Newsletter Broadcast

Newsletter Broadcast

Establishing a mailing list and sending newsletters to your members is important for shedding light on your activities and eventually keeping your web site frequently visited. From the main page of the site, visitors will be invited to register as member by completing an online form.

Through the web admin kit, the webmaster will be able to
  • Consult the list of the members and update or delete records.
  • Send a broadcast email (newsletter) to all users by simply typing the Subject and the Body of the message. The newsletter could also be targeted to specific groups of subscribers based on their supplied information. ProInns will make a template design of the newsletter to give it the same look and feel of the web site.

Technical Information:
  • Double opted emails. (Subscribe, Unsubscribe)
  • Clear explanation on the body of the email why we are sending such email.
  • Stating clearly the recipients' email address in the body of the email.
  • A one click link which allows the users to unsubscribe.
  • Messages will be sent from an Authentic mailbox (From:)
  • Group creation and management (The user is able to send to a specific group)
  • Trackable messages. (The user is able to track the number of views and clicks)